Buff Nuggets for CTE: Skills Pay The Bills
Tuesday, July 15, 2025 from 1-2:30 p.m.
For all program areas
Forget the color of shirt collars. As the workforce evolves, Career and Technical Education (CTE) is emerging as a critical pathway for student success, bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world skills. In this keynote, Brian will be highlighting the importance of CTE programs and the invaluable role of educators in shaping the future—preparing students not only for careers but also for lifelong learning and adaptability. You'll experience a treasure trove of relevant and eye-opening "Buff Nuggets", as well as Brian's signature interactive segments.
Speaker: Brian Buffington
An "EdTech K12's Top 30” recipient and author of the beloved EdTech Newsletter “Buff Nuggets”, Brian Buffington knows how to leverage technology to inspire, create, and collaborate. Known for his stage antics and high energy, Brian shares his “Buff Nuggets” at events throughout USA and Canada. While in Canada he even performed a lovely medley of Shania Twain, Celine Dion, and Justin Bieber. The crowd went nuts. At the beginning of the Covid pandemic, just as schools were closing down, Brian spent the weekend creating the “Online Teaching Cheat Sheet” and video catalog to assist masses of educators. His diverse background of somewhat eccentric expertise includes teaching 8th graders about science, serving 15 regional schools systems through an ESC, owning music venues, running a vintage clothing shop, and recording and performing his craftily written songs about extremely important and equally relevant issues such as cheese and 8th grade mustaches. This past year he did a pull-up. And fitting for today's event, Brian is a product of Work-Based Learning and truly believes that "Skills Pay The Bills."