Exhibit Booths
Showcase Schedule
Monday - Wednesday
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
*Setup on Sunday starting at 2 p.m.
Rental Fee
Each booth will be 10’ x 6’. See diagram below to select your booth.
Single exhibit booth $1,250.00.
Double exhibit booth $1,900.00
This does not include conference registration for CEUs. If you wish to obtain CEUs please register as a participant separately.
Payment Deadline
Booth registration must be completed and paid no later than June 20, 2025.
Make check payable to: NCACTE
Mail check to:
c/o Robin Miller
PO Box 7810
Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469
Each booth will be 10’ x 6’ and will be set up according to the attached diagram with 8' high back drapes. Space in multiples of 10' wide may be reserved. Each booth will be furnished with one draped table (approximately 2’ x 8'), two chairs, a tablecloth, and a sign with the company’s name.
Exhibitors will also be listed in the conference app. During registration you will need to send the following:
Organization Name
Logo (640px x 640px) - must be emailed to ctepd@dpi.nc.gov
Electrical Services
The Benton Convention Center will provide an electrical connection for all booths. There will be complimentary internet throughout the facility.
Exhibit Location and Parking
Exhibitors will be able to unload their materials at the Loading Dock area of the Convention Center. Parking will be available adjacent to the Convention Center.
Exhibit Map
Advance Shipment of Materials
Any shipment of merchandise must be made through the Benton Convention Center. Ship to arrive after July 10.
Receiving Department of the Benton Convention Center
301 West 5th Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Vendor/Company Name:__________________________________
On site Contact:________________________
Cell #:_________________________________
C/O Organization Name: NCACTE
Date of Event: July 14-18, 2025
Event Manager Name: Megan Hancock
Package #_______ of _______
Packages should be marked “Hold for Arrival”
Character of Exhibits
Products and/or services related to the educational and professional development of conference participants are suitable for exhibition. The conference exhibit management reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit which, in their judgment, is not suitable to or in keeping with the character of the exhibition. The primary purpose of the exhibits is to show and demonstrate wares or services that can be used by teachers and personnel in the conduct of classroom and internal/external laboratory activities.
Decorator Services
The Benton Convention Center representative will be receiving your booth assignment and setup of the vendor showcase.
Hollins Exposition Services will handle the set-up and decoration of the booths. Upon receipt of your confirmed Exhibit Space Agreement, Hollins Exposition Services will mail to you an information packet. This packet will include information about shipping, electrical connections, and additional items that you may want to order for your exhibit. Be sure to complete the form for any needed services and return to Hollins.
Access to the Exhibits
Access to the exhibits will be restricted to persons properly registered for the conference and who display appropriate badges indicating their status as a conference participant. The exhibit management reserves full control over such admission. Exhibitors and their representatives will be provided badges at no cost.
The exhibitor agrees to comply with the fire, safety, and health regulations of the Benton Convention Center. Exhibit materials and equipment must be duly protected by safety guards and devices, where necessary, to prevent accidents. The exhibitor further agrees to make no claims against the Benton Convention Center; the NCDPI, Career & Technical Education Section; the North Carolina Association for Career and Technical Education; or their employees or representatives for loss, theft, damage or destruction of goods, or for injury to exhibitors themselves or their employees. All exhibit material should be insured by the exhibitor from the time it leaves their firm until it is returned to them from the show.